Clean Eating

Feel like you don’t have the time to eat healthy? 

Learn how you can eat cleanly (REAL, whole foods, not processed) in less time and for less money than you think. Our next class is Thursday, March 8 at 6:45PM at the Mount Vernon Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Registration form below.  Please pay your $5 registration fee when you arrive for your class.

What IS Clean Eating?
Simply defined, clean eating is the practice of avoiding processed and refined foods and basing your diet on real, whole foods.

You Eat WHOLE foods: Whole foods are foods that haven’t been tampered with, in the lab or the manufacturing plant. The foods you eat on this plan are straight from the farm: whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

You avoid processed foods:  Processed foods are any food that has a label. A label means that more than one ingredient was used to make that food. You don’t have to eliminate all processed foods (like whole grain pasta or natural cheeses), but if you can’t pronounce an ingredient on a label, don’t put that food in your shopping basket.

Eliminate refined sugar and corn syrup: . Refined sugar provides nothing but calories. Other sweeteners can be used, but with all the good foods you add to your diet, refined sugar really has very little place in the eating clean plan.

Cook your own meals (this is where we come in!): Rather than buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch (or mostly from scratch). That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals you and your family will love.

How Whole Foods and Clean Eating Help You Stay Healthy
What you eat really does have an effect on how you feel. Eating whole foods and avoiding junk food — a clean eating lifestyle — can keep you healthy or help you regain your health if you haven’t been well. Follow these suggestions and you will have a better chance at living an active life:

  • Eating a good variety of foods ensures you get adequate amounts of most essential nutrients.

  • Relying on whole foods is the best way to get a good combination of micronutrients.

  • Whole foods keep you satisfied longer so you’re less tempted by junk foods.

  • Foods high in micronutrients can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar.

  • There are some nutrients we haven’t yet identified that are present in whole foods but not in supplements.

  • Whole foods help keep your digestive system regular.

  • Eating a healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active.

  • Avoiding artificial ingredients keeps your cells strong so your body systems work efficiently.

  • If you feel good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself in other ways.

  • It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of several diseases.

Register here or email

These classes brought to you by the Mount Vernon Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church. Instructor: Heidi Shoemaker