Plans for Church Reopening – Covid19 – Guidelines and Recommendations

Mount Vernon SDA Church

Preparation of the Church for June 6 Service


    Mark pews with numbers skipping every other pew. Make sure each “group” has their own church hymnal.  No Sharing! 

        Deacons can collect offering with gloves and mask on. 

—    Assign number of people in pew. ( family, single, couple). Example below

  • Row 1,2,3.  Family pew with 9-12’ and then 6’ space
  • Row 4,5,6  Couples or two member  pews   6’ mark with a 6’ space between another 6’ space.
  • Row 7,8,9  Singles pew  3’ mark and then a 6’ space, 3’mark and then 6’ space.


—   Balcony – seats numbered as in sanctuary.  Every other pew 6’ apart unless family.


—    Mark sidewalks and stairs with laminated “X” attached to sidewalk with Velcro or tape

    6’-8’ apart.


—    Older people enter/exit  from lower level portico and younger people from front entrance.


—   Mask and hand sanitizer at both doors.


—    No Potluck until further notice.   


— No congregational singing until further notice.


—    No Sabbath School Classes – No social distancing is possible in classrooms.

                It would not be possible to keep children from touching

                each other, toys, papers, etc.


—    Anyone passing out or collecting papers, money, etc. has to wear mask and gloves.


—    No hugging, handshaking, contact with others.


—    The downstairs will be closed off to members.


—    No back doors will be open – Enter from portico or front doors only.


—    Greeter at door will open with gloves and mask on.


—    Everyone is to wear a mask while entering and exiting the church.


—    Please refrain from contact with others and keep the 6’ social distancing rule.


—    (4) deacons in the foyer will show people to the correct pew.

—    Single file lines, unless you are with your family, waiting to enter church.


—    Deacons collect offering wearing gloves and mask and going  between empty rows of pews.


—    After church service, deacons dismiss rows starting at back of church. The balcony will be emptied by a deacon row by row.


—    Bathrooms need to be wiped down by assigned persons between use.

    Counter tops, sinks, door handles, faucets, etc.