Upcoming Hill Church Events

Family Movie Night at the Hill | April 21 at 8:15 pm

Families are invited to a special movie, Charlotte’s Web, on Saturday night, April 21. The movie is FREE. Kiddos can come in their jammies and bring their sleeping bags or blankets to lay on while watching the movie.

Pizza, beverages, popcorn and snacks will be for sale. Proceeds go to Mount Vernon Elementary. All ages welcome! Bring your friends and neighbors! 

See Pastor Fred or Heidi for additional details.



Soup & A Story: Hill Church Vespers | April 20 at 6:00 pm

Soup & A Story: Hill Church Friday night vespers is a monthly event where friends gather for a free soup supper at 6:00pm followed by a story at 7:00pm.

This month our story is “Hell and Mr. Fudge.” Based on a true story, an eccentric stranger hires Edward Fudge for a bizarre project: He wants Fudge to investigate “Hell.”

Edward Fudge is a small-town Bible-belt preacher. Son of a respected church leader known for his conservative religious views, Edward is confident that whatever the Bible really teaches is right. He dedicates a year of his life to a systematic study of Hell – and his life will never be the same.

As Fudge immerses himself in research, other aspects of his life begin to crumble. His own congregation – people he loves and serves – fires him after he invites a black man to pray from the podium. The publishing company he has worked for since childhood terminates his employment because he refuses to recant his “liberal” positions.

He becomes so committed to his research that his relationship with his wife and children begins to suffer. And, most importantly, in the course of his investigation some of his core beliefs about God and judgment and eternity are shaken from their foundations. Ultimately, Fudge emerges as a defender of faith and Scripture, and a champion for God’s love.

Today Edward Fudge is a well-respected author, lecturer, and theologian.

Watch the trailer here: https://vimeo.com/61677460